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A safe, quick, and painless collection

How are umbilical cord stem cells collected?

Inform your OB that you will be banking your baby's cord blood, cord tissue, and/or cord lining.

Step 1

4 tubes of maternal blood

Step 2

The baby is safely delivered

Step 3

The umbilical cord is clamped

Step 4

The umbilical cord blood is collected

Step 5

A segment of umbilical cord is collected
If cord lining is being collected

Step 6

Picked up and delivered to Cordlife laboratory

Step 7

Cordlife Laboratory

Why save your baby’s umbilical cord blood, cord tissue and cord lining?

Rich source of
stem cells

Your baby’s umbilical cord has the youngest and most active stem cells compared with other stem cell sources such as embryo, bone marrow, and peripheral blood.

Proven use in

More than 80 diseases can potentially be treated with cord blood, and over 60,000 transplants have taken place worldwide.

clinical potential

Researchers all over the world are learning how to use stem cells to treat more diseases and repair damaged tissue or organs.

Treatment options
for the family

The stem cells you stored are a perfect match for your baby, and they could be used to treat other members of your family.

Readily available
for a lifetime

Stem cells can be kept indefinitely if they are properly stored, and you can retrieve them whenever you need them.

Cordlife Celebrity Parents